1000 Horses
Soundwalk Jädraås, an immersive, sonic experience
of the rural village Jädråas.
For more information:
Jädraås Art
jädraås art
Soundwalk Jädraås, an immersive, sonic experience
of the rural village Jädråas.
For more information:
Jädraås Art
In this soundwalk, Jan Carleklev connects to the desire to tell and share memories from the past and present. The sonic experience allows for a different perspective on Jädraås, a small village in the province of Gästrikland/ Sweden. Through the deafening sound of the river Jädraån or the sound of giant wind turbines far up in the air, we are listing to the story of humans trying to tame the forces of nature in their continues search for another life.
1000 horses is the result of an artist's residence at Jädraås Art.
Field recording in Jädråas during 2020/ 2021.
1000 horses takes advantage of the sound's unique opportunities to stimulate one’s own imagination and to create personal experiences. With site-specific sound with binaural microphones, interviews as well as fictional and poetic recordings in the studio, an immersive soundscape that involves all the senses is created.
Studio work with KU 100.
1000 horses is ment to be experienced in its right surrounding, blending pre-recorded sounds with the actual and ever-changing sounds of the landscape and village. The soundwalk can be experienced in Jädraås throughout the summer. You only need to bring a smartphone and a pair of good headphones.
Please contact Jädraås Art for information and support.